March 21, 2009

Interpreting and Interacting With Space

Over the past few days, I have been struggling with what else to post on this blog. I felt like I was running out of things to say or share without sounding repetitive and redundant, because there's only so many ways that I can rant or share information about the problematic nature of gendered spaces (such as bathrooms, proms, and women-only gyms). But after talking to my professor (Kate Bride), I realised that there is another angle completely that I hadn't examined. Not only do gendered spaces affect us, but the ways that we interact with particular spaces depends greatly upon an individual's gender (and the way that they experience/perform that role).

So, I've decided to take my blog in this new direction - to observe and examine the ways in which individuals encounter, interpret, and behave within particular spaces depending on their gender. I'm interested in examining different social norms and rules that dictate and guide our behaviour while occupying a particular space. Obviously I will also continue to share articles that I find and ideas that I have about gendered spaces in general, but I think this additional angle will bring a lot of depth to my blog and offer a greater insight into my attempt to problematize gendered spaces (and now, how gender plays a role in experiencing space).


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